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Drop Off

You WILL need an appointment to Drop-off.

  • All drop off appointments are first come, first served.

  • Please note that the beginning and end of the Drop-off time tend to be the busiest times.

  • If you are volunteering during Drop-off, your Drop-off appointment may not be during your shift.

We review certain merchandise at Drop-off.

For your items to sell, they must be seen:

  • Crammed racks are challenging to browse.

  • Out-dated or stained clothing and bedding clutters already full areas. These items are also automatically removed when discovered.

Help prepare for Drop-off by reviewing these procedures.

When you arrive at Drop-off, follow this plan:

  • Park your vehicle and unload all items. We suggest wheeling your clothing items in on a stroller, cart, or wagon.

  • Go to the check-in table. Sign your registration confirmation page and verify all your Consignor information with the available printouts.

  • Remember you must assemble cribs, pack ‘n plays, and swings.

  • Once all your items are in the proper spots and assembled, we ask that you exit quickly to keep traffic flowing smoothly! We realize that it is VERY tempting to browse, but please refrain and join us at your earliest possible shopping convenience!

  • There will still be Volunteer slots available (see check-in personnel), should you decide that you just have to get back early once you see all the goodies!

  • Because of the nature of set up and the busyness of the sales floor, we do not allow children at Drop-off. It is too challenging to both efficiently place your own items and keep track of kiddos among people carrying large items.

What YOU can do in advance to prepare for a pleasant, efficient Drop-off experience:

  • Schedule and keep your Drop-off appointment.

  • Make certain you have pre-registered online and have received e-mail confirmation. If you lose your email confirmation, bring your ID and consignor code to the sale to shop early.

  • Be certain that items have been properly hung and tagged.

  • Be certain that tags and pieces are secure and cable ties cannot be unzipped.

  • Be certain that tag information is accurate and complete.

  • Group all clothing items by gender and size. Layer rubber-banded groups in boxes, keeping girls and boys separate.

  • Hint: 24 months and 2T items will be hung on the same rack.

  • Pre-sort like items into boxes or grocery bags, for example one for hats, one for books, etc.

  • Bring 2-3 cardboard boxes to help with sorting at the end of the sale.

  • Pack a supply kit with pens, packing tape, cable ties and safety pins, just in case you arrive and find a tag has wiggled loose! (We cannot give you a tag with your code on it!)

Children are NOT permitted on the sales floor during Drop-off.

  • Drop-off involves too many safety issues to allow children on the sales floor.

  • Please consider this when you schedule your Drop-off appointment.

  • If you must bring your children, bring your spouse or a friend to stay with your child in the lobby.

  • This rule is also in effect at Pick Up.

Donating Unsold Items

Cuties Consignment makes huge contributions at the end of our sale because of our Consignors’ generosity. We donate unsold items to local charities to benefit those in crisis in our community. Please choose to donate your unsold items! It makes a difference in someone’s life!

Note: Any item you intend to donate should be designated for the 50% off sale as well.

If you decide during the sale to donate your unsold items, please email us so we know to put your items in the donation area. This will save us the time of sorting your items and bless families in our community, which we appreciate!

If an itemized list of donated items are needed, please be sure to download/print your unsold items report immediately after the sale. The sales software we utilize does not keep records of unsold item reports, nor do we.

Thank you for donating your items to bless others in our community. 

Pick Up

Please schedule a time to pickup your items. You must stay with your assigned Volunteer at all times at Pick Up.

We are committed to protecting each Consignor’s property.

Children are NOT permitted on the sales floor at Pick Up.

Due to safety issues, we are no longer allowing children at Pick Up or Drop Off. Please consider this when determining what time to come to Pick Up. If your children must come with you, they will need to remain in the lobby with your spouse or a friend to supervise them.

Pick Up procedures:

  • When you arrive, go directly to the check in table. Please do not look for your items before you check in.

  • After checking in, you will be assigned a Volunteer to help you gather your items. Be aware: the Volunteer’s assistance does not remove any of a Consignor’s personal obligation to find her items. Only a Consignor knows her own items well enough to determine if something is missing.

  • Then the Volunteer will accompany you to the sale’s floor. It will be organized to the deepest degree possible. At minimum, there will be two areas - clothes and everything else. Likely, items will be arranged more specifically by Consignor codes (100s, 200s, 300s, etc.). If we have the ability, we will sort down to each individual Consignor’s code within each area.

  • After gathering your items, you must check out. There, a Volunteer will verify that all the items you have match your Consignor code. This step is important. It is required of all Consignors at Pick Up to ensure no items accidentally go home with the wrong person. This provides an extra level of protection intended to serve you!

  • Remember to bring boxes or bins to help carry your items home.

Please allot the appropriate amount of time for Pick Up. Keep in mind the procedures, the length to which we are able to sort, and the amount of Consignors picking up at the time of your arrival will all impact the time required. Plan for at least 30 minutes on site (or more if you have many items to retrieve).

When you Pick Up, you may choose to donate any items you do not wish to carry home. 

Unsold items NOT picked up at this time will be donated to charity at the end of Pick Up!

We regret that no reminder calls or alternate arrangements can be made. However, you can have a friend pick up your unsold items if you are unavailable to do so. You must email us your Consignor code and the name of the person to allow us to release your unsold items. This includes releasing items to your spouse.

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